Self-Realization Mastery Coaching


Self-Realization Mastery Coaching

This program is for the person who has committed themselves to a self-realization journey.  It is for the person who is ready to put the work in, the person who can no longer go back to their old life, the old way they were doing things.

This coaching program is for you if you know there has got to be more to life then the repeat you have been living day after day, month after month, year after year, and you are ready to go all-in to make the changes from within yourself.

This is not a journey to be taken lightly and Jamie only wants to work with those who are fully committed to ascend their frequencies into self-realization.

Because Jamie only works with a select few individuals a year in the Self-Realization Mastery Coaching program, there is an application process to help discover who may be served best.

Below are the details of the coaching program, but before we get into that, let's take a look at who this program is geared toward and if it might be right for you.

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Who This Program Is For:

 So, how do you know if this might be for you or not?  Well, let's take a look at who the intended student/client the program was originally put together for and see if any of it resonates with you.

***PLEASE NOTE*** Jamie Mori does NOT diagnosis or treat any illness whether mental or physical.  ALWAYS see a doctor for any physical or mental condition and/or continue seeing them.  Jamie Mori does not intend to render any type of psychological, medical, emotional, legal, religious or any other kind of professional advice, nor prescribe the use of any technique or practice as a form of treatment.  Always consult your physician or therapist when considering using meditation or energy healing techniques.

This program may be for you if:

  • You have recently, within the last few years or less, noticed a shift, a feeling or a difference in you that you do not understand or can't explain.  Some have called this an 'Awakening".                                                                                                                  
  • Somewhere deep inside of you, you know with all of your heart and being that there has to be more to life than what you are living right now, and you long to find out the answers to what it is.                                                                                                
  • The story of what success is that everyone has told you and repeated for decades doesn't fit for you, it seems robotic, unfulfilling, hollow or pointless and you want other answers than you have been getting.                                                                                        
  • You feel like a stranger in this world.                                                                                                                 
  • You desperately want to find your true purpose and live an abundant,  fulfilled and joyful life.  You know you couldn't have just come here to go through the day to day rat race of wake up, work, rinse and repeat.                                                                                                                     
  •  You feel as if you are in a transitional period in your life.  You may not even have words to define it but it is a deep feeling of wanting - needing change.                                                                                                                       
  • There is an unexplained discontent within you.  It may show itself as success always eluding you or lacking commitment in a relationship or job because you feel as though there is "something better out there" for you.                                                                                                                
  • You are looking for meaning to your life or to make sense of difficult times.  You want to learn to forgive and have compassion, to move past suffering but you feel stuck and don't know how.


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Now For The Details...

Let's take a look at how the program is set up, what you could expect and other bits of information.

As mentioned earlier, this is a one-on-one coaching program with Jamie that is custom tailored for you.  However, there are certain aspects that each individual can expect to receive and or experience and general guidelines to help you get a feel for how the coaching would progress in general terms.

The Format:

The format of the coaching program are 1 hour and 15 minute sessions once a month via Zoom EXCEPT for the first month.  Because there is a "ramping up" if you will, Jamie doesn't want to leave clients floundering the first month as you are learning new techniques.  There are always many questions followed by some slight modifications until the client/student is traveling down the path in the correct direction. She finds this generally takes at least four sessions to smooth the road ahead as best possible.  The first month schedule would look like this:

  • Session 1
  • Session 2 - One Week after Session 1
  • Session 3 - Two Weeks after Session 2
  • Session 4 and on - These are every 4 weeks (starting 4 weeks after session 3).

***The first 4 sessions are required at time of signing up to begin the program.

After the 4th Session you may choose to stop coaching at anytime; however, please note that not much progress would have happened by this time but you certainly are under no obligation to continue.  Jamie 100% supports and understands not everything is for everyone and she would never want you to continue if you did not feel you were receiving any benefit from it.


In addition to the regular coaching sessions, Jamie offers to her coaching clients/students (at no additional charge), One Energy Healing Session a month ($174 value per session).  You, of course, are not required to receive them if you do not feel inclined, but they are there for you if you like.  Obviously, Jamie highly recommends them. Just note that the Energy Healing Sessions do not accrue, so if the session does not get used during the month period it will not roll over to the next month, and it may not be transferred to someone else.  They are for your benefit as part of the ascension work clients of the coaching program are doing within themselves.

Also, you will have the opportunity to email Jamie on a weekly basis with any questions or concerns you may have.  She will address them via email, in your next session or possibly both, depending on what she feels is best.


Before you make any decisions about Applying for the Self-Realization Mastery Coaching Program, Jamie wants to be very upfront about the cost.  She never is salesy about it and understands if it is right for you, you will be called to move forward and if it isn't you won't.  And she respects and appreciates either situations.

As stated above, the first 4 sessions are mandatory, after that it is on a month to month basis. 

  • First 4 Session - $1388
  • Each Session after that $347

After the first 4 sessions she does offer a packaged discount if you would like to purchase groups of 3 sessions at a time.

  • Packages of 3 Sessions - $936 (Savings of $96)


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